
Published: 31/1/2015
When recruiting, our aim is to attract, select, develop and keep professionals who will achieve the Bank's goals and develop their full potential in a stimulating environment.

In accordance with our business needs and the challenges we face, we continuously strengthen our existing team of professionals both with candidates having extensive work experience and those who are at the very beginnings of their careers.

Our business needs are published on the Bank's website, job advertising websites and on the website and in the Bulletin of the Croatian Employment Service. Potential candidates may express their interest in working in the Bank by submitting an application on the basis of the advertisement in question.

With their application, the candidates are also asked to submit the following documents: proof of the completed level of education, transcript of records and grade point average, letters of recommendation and other documents relevant for the application.

Candidates exercising their right to priority in employment under a special act are required to specify this information in the application form and submit the documents certifying their acknowledged status in accordance with the regulation under which they are exercising the relevant right.

During the selection process, candidates are generally contacted via e-mail and, if necessary, by post or telephone. It is therefore essential to specify a correct e-mail address in the application form.

The procedure of candidate selection consists of an assessment of professional knowledge and knowledge of English, a psychological evaluation and a professional interview.

Candidates who had previously participated in a selection process in the Bank will be informed in the invitation of the activities they are required to undertake with regard to the advertised position they applied for.

Once the selected candidate accepts the offer to conclude an employment contract, all other candidates will receive an e-mail thanking them for applying for the advertised position.