The tables show data on payment services of acquiring of payment instruments at acquiring terminals (ATMs, EFTPOS terminals, cash withdrawal terminals, the Internet, etc.).
- Release calendar
- Statistical releases
- Indicators of banking system operations
- Main macroeconomic indicators
Statistical data
Financial sector
- Republic of Croatia contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
- Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
- Central bank (CNB)
- Other monetary financial institutions
- Other financial corporations
- General government sector
- External sector
- Financial accounts
- Securities
- Selected non-financial statistics
- Payment systems
- Payment services
- Currency
- Turnover of authorised exchange offices
- Archive
Financial sector
- Regulations
- Information for reporting entities
- Information for users of statistical data
- Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
- Statistical surveys
- Experimental statistics
Table PP1 Number and value of acquiring transactions (total) in the territory of the RC for 2024
Published: 19/2/2025 13,5K
Table PP2 Total number of acquiring transactions of payment instruments in euro for year 2024
Published: 25/3/2025 13,9K
Table PP3 Total value of acquiring transactions of payment instruments in euro for year 2024
Published: 25/3/2025 14,4K
Methodology - acquiring of payment instruments
Data presented in this report are collected on the basis of the Decision on the obligation to submit payment and electronic money statistics (Official Gazette 147/2013 and 16/2017) and the accompanying Instructions.
This report presents the total number and value of payment transactions initiated and/or executed by consumers and non-consumers with all payment instruments (payment card and e-money) at acquiring terminals or points at which credit institutions or institutions for electronic money execute the acquiring service in terms of Art. 4 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act (Official Gazette 66/2018 and 114/2022) irrespective of the ownership of the acquiring terminal or point.
Acquiring payment transactions are shown by acquiring terminals:
- ATM,
- EFTPOS terminal,
- the Internet, and
- Other.
- Consumer
"Consumer means" a natural person who, in payment service contracts covered by the Payment System Act (Official Gazette 66/2018 and 114/2022) is acting for purposes other than his/her trade, business or profession, as well as a natural person concluding a contract for the issue of electronic money pursuant to the Electronic Money Act (Official Gazette 64/2018 and 114/2022) outside the area of his/her business activity and freelance occupation.
- Non-consumer
"Non-consumer" means a legal or natural person other than the consumer.
The following are included:
- legal persons (e.g. corporates, institutions, cooperatives, associations, foundations etc.), craftsmen and other natural persons employed as freelancers or carrying out an economic activity when entering into a contract on payment services or a contract on the issuing of electronic money within the area of their economic activity or freelance occupation,
- entities that do not have legal personality, but that may be the holders of payment accounts (e.g. bodies of state administration, representative offices etc.).
The ATM/banking kiosk is an electromechanical device that permits the users of payment instruments to withdraw and/or deposit cash, remit funds, use the service of providing information on the balance in the transaction account and other services.
In this report, under the "ATM" category, the following types of payment transactions executed at an ATM and/or banking kiosk are recorded for which the reporting entity (credit institution or electronic money institution) ensures the acquiring pursuant to Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act:
- number and value of payment transactions of cash deposit and withdrawal,
- number and value of payment transactions for purchased goods and services,
- number and value of payment transactions of deposit of coins at a coin deposit machine,
- number and value of payment transactions of purchase using e-money,
- number and value of transactions of issuing (loading) and redemption of e-money.
- EFTPOS terminal
The EFTPOS terminal is the terminal that enables the use of payment instruments at a point of sale, so that information on payments are taken over and recorded manually on paper slips or electronically.
In this report under the ETFPOS terminal category, the following types of payment transactions executed at an EFTPOS (POS) terminal are recorded for which the reporting entity (credit institution or electronic money institution) ensures the acquiring pursuant to Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act:
- number and value of cash withdrawal payment transactions (cash advance),
- number and value of payment transactions of cash deposit,
- number and value of payment transactions for purchased goods and services,
- number and value of payment transactions of purchase using e-money,
- number and value of transactions of issuing (loading) and redemption of e-money.
- number and value of cash withdrawal payment transactions (cash back), when such a transaction can be separated from a payment transaction of the purchase of goods and services.
- Internet
The "Internet" in this report marks the points of sale on the Internet where the payment of goods and services using different payment instruments is enabled, in which a credit institution or an electronic money institution performs the acquiring of payment instruments in terms of Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act.
Under the "OTHER" category, the transactions of acquiring on a total level are presented, i.e. summed up for the E-money device, Cash withdrawal terminal and the Telecommunications operator's scheme.
The report covers the payment transactions of acquiring payment instruments of consumers and non-consumers, or natural and legal persons. Data refer to the total number/value of data during the reporting period, including the first and the last day of the reporting period.
- E-money
The e-money device is a device that enables the issuing of e-money (including the loading of the physical e-money medium) and/or redemption of e-money and/or the device that enables the e-money holder to make a payment to a payee by a physical medium of e-money.
E-money devices include:
- "E-money device – e-money redemption ",
- "E-money acquiring device".
The term "e-money devices" does not include ATMs, banking kiosks and EFTPOS (POS) terminals.
- Cash withdrawal terminal
The EFTPOS terminal is the cash withdrawal terminal that enables the user of payment services only the service of cash withdrawal and deposit. This terminal is often located at the premises of a third party, which is acting on behalf and for the account of the reporting entity on the basis of a contract. The payment transaction of cash withdrawal and deposit is most frequently authorised by a PIN/signature.
In this report, under the Cash withdrawal terminal, the following types of payment transactions executed at a cash withdrawal terminal are presented for which the reporting entity (credit institution or electronic money institution) ensures the acquiring pursuant to Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act:
- number and value of payment transactions of cash withdrawal and deposit executed using payment cards,
- number and value of transactions of e-money issuing (loading) and redemption, and
- number and value of payment transactions of cash withdrawal (cash advance).
- Telecommunications operator's scheme
The telecommunications operator's scheme covers data on the service of payment transaction execution when the payer's consent for the payment transaction execution is given by a telecommunications means, digital or IT device (e.g. a payment service user initiates the payment of the service of parking, public transportation, etc. through the SMS service using a mobile phone).
- "Own" columns
The "Own" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or electronic money institutions carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, only for the cards issued by that institution.
- "Croatian issuer" columns
The "Croatian issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or electronic money institutions carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office in the Republic of Croatia.
- "Foreign issuer" columns
The "Foreign issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or electronic money institutions carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3 sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office outside the Republic of Croatia.
- "Total" columns
Presents the sum of the previous columns by raws.
Table PP2 Total number of acquiring transactions of payment instruments in euro
Data presented in this report are collected on the basis of the Decision on the obligation to submit data on the payment system and electronic money (OG 147/2013 and 16/2017) and the accompanying Instructions.
This report presents the total number of payment transactions initiated and/or executed by consumers and non-consumers with all payment instruments (payment card and e-money) at acquiring terminals or points at which credit institutions or electronic money institutions execute the acquiring payment service in terms of Article 4, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act (OG 66/2018 and 114/2022) irrespective of the ownership of the acquiring terminal or point.
Acquiring payment transactions are shown according to the description of the transaction:
- Cash deposit,
- Cash withdrawal,
- Purchase,
- Transfer,
- Issuing (loading) of e-money, and
- Redemption of e-money.
- Consumer
"Consumer" means a natural person who, in payment service contracts covered by the Payment System Act (OG 66/2018 and 114/2022) is acting outside the area of his/her business activity or freelance occupation and a natural person concluding a contract for the issue of electronic money in accordance with the Electronic Money Act (OG 64/2018 and 114/2022) outside the area of his/her business activity or freelance occupation.
- Non-consumer
"Non-consumer" means a legal or natural person other than the consumer.
The following are included:
- legal persons (e.g. corporates, institutions, cooperatives, associations, foundations etc.), craftsmen and other natural persons employed as freelancers or carrying out an economic activity when entering into a contract on payment services or a contract on the issuing of electronic money within the area of their economic activity or freelance occupation, and
- entities that do not have legal personality, but that may be holders of payment accounts (e.g. bodies of state administration, representative offices, etc.).
- Cash deposit
Includes payment transactions of the deposit of cash through a payment card executed at an ATM and/or cash withdrawal terminal.
- Cash withdrawal
Includes payment transactions of cash withdrawal using a payment card through an ATM, EFTPOS terminal and/or cash withdrawal terminal.
- Purchase
Includes payment transactions for the purchased goods and services initiated through an ATM, EFTPOS terminal and/or the Internet at the point of sale by using a payment card and e-money.
- Transfer
Includes payment transactions of the transfer of funds at an ATM using a payment card.
- Issuing (loading) of e-money
Includes payment transactions of the purchase of e-money (initially and/or subsequently) by which the electronic money issuer stores a certain value of the received funds to the payment instrument/account of the electronic money holder (by direct loading of e-money to the electronic money holder).
- Redemption of e-money
Includes payment transactions by which the electronic money issuer allows the holder of the payment instrument/account the payment of (makes available) a certain monetary value of e-money from the payment instrument/account (the redemption of a certain value of e-money from the payment instrument/account of e-money to the electronic money holder).
1. "Own" columns
The "Own" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, only for the cards issued by that institution.
2. "Croatian issuer" columns
The "Croatian issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office in the Republic of Croatia.
3. "Foreign issuer" columns
The "Foreign issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office outside the Republic of Croatia.
4. "Total" columns
Present the sum of the previous columns by rows.
Table PP3 Total value of acquiring transactions of payment instruments in euro
Data presented in this report are collected on the basis of the Decision on the obligation to submit data on the payment system and electronic money (OG 147/2013 and 16/2017) and the accompanying Instructions.
This report presents the total value of payment transactions initiated and/or executed by consumers and non-consumers with all payment instruments (payment cards and e-money) at acquiring terminals or points at which credit institutions or electronic money institutions execute the acquiring payment service in terms of Article 4, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act (OG 66/2018 and 114/2022) irrespective of the ownership of the acquiring terminal or point.
Acquiring payment transactions are shown according to the description of the transaction:
1. Cash deposit,
2. Cash withdrawal,
3. Purchase,
4. Transfer,
5. Issuing (loading) of e-money, and
6. Redemption of e-money.
1. Consumer
"Consumer" means a natural person who, in payment service contracts covered by the Payment System Act (OG 66/2018 and 114/2022) is acting outside the area of his/her business activity or freelance occupation and a natural person concluding a contract for the issue of electronic money in accordance with the Electronic Money Act (OG 64/2018 and 114/2022) outside the area of his/her business activity or freelance occupation.
2. Non-consumer
"Non-consumer" means a legal or natural person other than the consumer.
The following are included:
- legal persons (e.g. corporates, institutions, cooperatives, associations, foundations etc.), craftsmen and other natural persons employed as freelancers or carrying out an economic activity when entering into a contract on payment services or a contract on the issuing of electronic money within the area of their economic activity or freelance occupation, and
- entities that do not have legal personality, but that may be holders of payment accounts (e.g. bodies of state administration, representative offices etc.).
3. Cash deposit
Includes payment transactions of the deposit of cash through a payment card executed at an ATM and/or cash withdrawal terminal.
4. Cash withdrawal
Includes payment transactions of cash withdrawal using a payment card through an ATM, EFTPOS terminal and/or cash withdrawal terminal.
5. Purchase
Includes payment transactions for the purchased goods and services initiated through an ATM, EFTPOS terminal and/or the Internet at the point of sale by using a payment card and e-money.
6. Transfer
Includes payment transactions of the transfer of funds at an ATM using a payment card.
7. Issuing (loading) of e-money
Includes payment transactions of the purchase of e-money (initially and/or subsequently) by which the electronic money issuer stores a certain value of the received funds to the payment instrument/account of the electronic money holder (by direct loading of e-money to the electronic money holder).
8. Redemption of e-money
Includes payment transactions by which the electronic money issuer allows the holder of the payment instrument/account the payment of (makes available) a certain monetary value of e-money from the payment instrument/account (the redemption of a specific value of e-money from the payment instrument/account of e-money to the electronic money holder).
1. "Own" columns
The "Own" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, only for the cards issued by that institution.
2. "Croatian issuer" columns
The "Croatian issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office in the Republic of Croatia.
3. "Foreign issuer" columns
The "Foreign issuer" columns present the transactions of acquiring at devices at which a credit institution or an electronic money institution carry out the service of acquiring in terms of Article 3, sub-paragraph 5 of the Payment System Act, for the cards issued by another institution having its head office outside the Republic of Croatia.
4. "Total" columns
Present the sum of the previous columns by rows.