When data were published within the framework of the Financial Accounts Statistics of the Republic of Croatia for 2015, the data series that is related to pension funds was revised from 2002 onwards in all financial accounts tables. This refers to the correction made in the process of compilation due to the fact that pension funds in the Republic of Croatia belong to the so-called defined contribution schemes and that according to the ESA 2010 methodology their net financial assets amount to 0. The revised data series was published on 16 January 2017.
- Release calendar
- Statistical releases
- Indicators of banking system operations
- Main macroeconomic indicators
Statistical data
Financial sector
- Republic of Croatia contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
- Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
- Central bank (CNB)
- Other monetary financial institutions
- Other financial corporations
- General government sector
- External sector
- Financial accounts
- Securities
- Selected non-financial statistics
- Payment systems
- Payment services
- Currency
- Turnover of authorised exchange offices
- Archive
Financial sector
- Regulations
- Information for reporting entities
- Information for users of statistical data
- Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
- Statistical surveys