Distribution of household wealth

Published: 19/3/2025

The Distributional Wealth Accounts (DWA) are an experimental dataset detailing the distribution of household wealth.

DWA integrate macroeconomic data from the Quarterly Sector Accounts (QSA) with microeconomic insights from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS). The QSA encompass financial transactions and balances as well as non-financial transactions across key institutional sectors, including households, while the HFCS provides information on wealth distribution based on specific household characteristics.

By combining these distinct datasets, DWA complement existing HFCS data, offering a timely quarterly series on household wealth distribution aligned with the aggregates of household sector accounts.

The methodology and results have been developed by the Expert Group on Distributional Financial Accounts (EG DFA) within the European System of Central Banks. As the DWA methodology evolves, for example, by incorporating additional data sources, this may lead to revisions of the experimental data.

For Croatia, the DWA time series begins from the second quarter of 2017 and will be regularly updated. Published quarterly, no later than five months after the end of the reference quarter, the DWA series includes data up to the latest quarter for which QSA data is publicly available at the time of publication.


DWA data for Croatia

Publication calendar

Related publications, sources and methodology

Overview note

Methodological note