June 26 - 28, 2003
Dubrovnik, Croatia
"Banking and the financial sector in transition and emerging market economies"
Dubrovnik, Croatia
"Banking and the financial sector in transition and emerging market economies"
- Mr. Željko Rohatinski, Chairman, Governor of the Croatian National Bank
- Mr. Boris Vujčić, Member, Assistant Professor, Deputy Governor of the Croatian National Bank
- Mr. Mario I. Blejer, Member, Director of the Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England
- Mr. Jacob A. Frenkel, Member, President of Merrill Lynch
- Mr. Paul Wachtel, Member, Professor, New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
- Mr. Tomislav Presečan, Chairman, Vicegovernor of the Croatian National Bank
- Ms. Nina Srkalović, Deputy Chairwoman, Head of the Office of the Governor
- Ms. Mirjana Šipić, Member, Senior Advisor in the Accounting Department
- Ms. Vanja Orešković, Secretary, Associate in the Office of the Governor
(participation by invitation only)
- Steven Fries and Anita Taci: Competition, Reform and Efficiency in Banking: Evidence From 15 Transition Economies
- Evan Kraft and Ljubinko Jankov: Lending Booms, Foreign Bank Entry and Competition: The Croatian Case
PRESENTATION - Tadeusz Kowalski, Evan Kraft, Andrew Mullineux, Vello Vensel and Clas Wihlborg: Bankruptcy Procedures, Corporate Governance and Banks' Credit Policy in Croatia, Estonia, and Poland
- Robert B. K. Pye: The Evolution of the Insurance Sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union
PRESENTATION - Carlo Cottarelli, Giovanni Dell'Ariccia, Ivanna Vladkova-Hollar: Early Birds, Late Risers, and Sleeping Beauties: Bank Credit Growth to the Private Sector in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans
- Georges de Menil: Why Should the Portfolios of Mandatory Private Pension Funds be Captive? (the Foreign Investment Question)
- John P. Bonin, Iftekhar Hasan and Paul Wachtel: Bank Performance, Efficiency and Ownership in Transition Countries
PRESENTATION - David G. Mayes: Who Pays for Bank Insolvency in Transition and Emerging Economies?
PRESENTATION - George R. G. Clarke, Juan Miguel Crivelli and Robert Cull: The Impact Bank Privatization and Foreign Entry on Access to Credit in Argntina's Provinces
- Arnaud Mehl and Adalbert Winkler: The finance-growth nexus and financial sector environment: New evidence from Southeast Europe
PRESENTATION - Glenn Hoggarth, Patricia Jackson and Erlend Nier: Market Discipline - Effect On Bank Risk Taking
PRESENTATION - Jens Köke and Michael Schröder: The Prospects of Capital Markets in Central and Eastern Europe
- Jacob A. Frenkel: The Global Economy Challenges to Recovery