June 6 – June 7, 2015
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Dr Randall K. Filer, Professor, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, Chairman of the Committee
- Dr Oleh Havrylyshyn, Visiting Scholar, Toronto University, Member of the Committee
- Dr Paul Wachtel, Professor, New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Member of the Committee
- Ján Palguta and Filip Pertold: Manipulation and Active Waste in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds
- Martin Pintarić: Which Factors are Weighing on Credit Recovery? Evidence from the Croatian Bank Lending Survey
- Maria Bolboaca and Sarah Fischer: New Shocks: Different Effects in Boom and Recession?
- Leonard Kukić: Socialist Growth Revisited: Insights from Yugoslavia
- Maryam Naghsh Nejad and Andrew T. Young: Female Brain Drains and Women's Rights Gaps: Analysis of Bilateral Migration Flows
- Una Savić: If Fail, Fail Less: Banks' Decision on Systematic Vs Idiosyncratic Risk
Session I
- Maria Bolboaca and Sarah Fischer: New Shocks: Different Effects in Boom and Recession?
- Leonard Kukić: Socialist Growth Revisited: Insights from Yugoslavia
Session II
- Martin Pintarić:Which Factors are Weighing on Credit Recovery? Evidence from the Croatian Bank Lending Survey
- Una Savić: If Fail, Fail Less: Banks' Decision on Systematic Vs Idiosyncratic Risk
Session III
- Ján Palguta and Filip Pertold: Manipulation and Active Waste in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds
- Maryam Naghsh Nejad and Andrew T. Young: Female Brain Drains and Women's Rights Gaps: Analysis of Bilateral Migration Flows