At its Wednesday meeting chaired by Deputy Governor dr. Boris Vujčić the Council of the Croatian National Bank was briefed on the most recent economic and financial indicators showing that the macroeconomic stability of the country has been maintained. According to the available data, the expected annual retail price growth will not exceed 2 percent. The exchange rate fluctuations of the kuna against the euro remain within the framework of the usual seasonal volatility, while the exchange rate of the kuna against the US dollar reflects the cross rate changes in the global relationships. The interbank market interest rates are lower than in the previous period, while the slowdown in bank placements continues.
The CNB Council approved the amendment to the Decision on the Manner of and the Conditions for Investment of Non-Residents into Domestic Securities and Stakes in Domestic Investment Funds, which specifies that the Decision shall not apply to the contracts concluded prior to its enactment. According to the amendment to the Decision on Payments and Collections in Foreign Means of Payment in the Country, donations for scientific, cultural or humanitarian purposes may also be made in foreign means of payment.
The Council also gave its approval to Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank AG Klagenfurt for the acquisition of more than 75 percent of the shares in Slavonska banka d.d. Osijek, and to Josip Samaržija for the acquisition of more than 75 percent of the shares in Banka Kovanica d.d. Varaždin.
Finally, the Council endorsed the proposals of the supervisory boards of several banks for the appointment of new members of management boards: Darko Kosovec was appointed as member of the management board of Centar banka d.d. Zagreb, Branka Oštrić as member of the management board of Partner banka d.d. Zagreb, Jasna Širola as member of the management board of Raiffeisen banka d.d. Zagreb and Dieter Hornbacher as member of the management board of Volksbank d.d. Zagreb.