Climate risks are becoming one of the determinants of central bank policies

Published: 4/7/2024
Climate risks are becoming one of the determinants of central bank policies

In order to learn more about the role of central banks in the green transition, the Croatian National Bank was visited on 2 July by the attendees of the 1st Summer School of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, an international school held under the title "EU Climate Change Law". Lectures for students were given by the CNB Deputy Governor Sandra Švaljek and the CNB Vicegovernor Bojan Fras.

Deputy Governor Švaljek emphasized that climate change and the destruction of the natural environment affect people and the economy and have become an unavoidable topic in all areas of human activity. Therefore, central banks began to take into account the state of the climate and the environment in the formulation of monetary policy, but also in all other areas of their work – research and analysis, macroprudential policy, supervision and management of their own assets and the organization of cash supply.

"Given that climate change, especially extreme climate events, already affect prices and their stability, central banks, in order to meet their basic objective of price stability, increasingly include climate risks in the process of monetary policy formulation and other policies within their competence, e.g. the supervision of credit institutions", said Vicegovernor Bojan Fras, adding that the legal framework of the Eurosystem central banks enabled such action.

The participants of the Summer School showed awareness of climate issues and the necessity of climate activities and expressed interest in the role of central banks in combating climate change.