The highest officials of central banks and finance ministries of the fifteen countries that are members of the same Constituency as Croatia in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, headed by the Netherlands and Belgium, will meet this weekend in Split for their regular spring meeting. The meeting in Croatia will be hosted jointly by the Ministry of Finance and the Croatian National Bank, i.e. by the Finance Minister, Zdravko Marić, and CNB Governor, Boris Vujčić.
They will be joined by Executive Directors of the IMF and WB, Anthony De Lannoy and Frank Heemskerk, responsible for the Constituency, which apart from the Netherlands, Belgium and Croatia includes Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Montenegro, Georgia, Israel, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and the Ukraine.
A hundred or so participants in the Split meeting will discuss the current monetary, financial and development policy issues capturing the attention of member countries at the moment and falling within the scope of their co-operation with the two of the world's most significant financial institutions. Special emphasis will be placed on the so-called Fintech, the relationship between technology development and the financial industry, focusing on changes that speedy development of technology brings to regulation, doing business and user rights.