Holding introductory talks at the Ministry of Finance and at the Croatian National Bank, an International Monetary Fund Mission today started a two-week visit to Croatia aimed at conducting a regular annual consultation round with a member country, as required by Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement.
The goal of the visit is for the Mission to take a closer look at current economic, financial and social conditions in Croatia and at assessments of future developments.
Talks are planned to be held at other ministries and government institutions, including the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, the State Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution and the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency. The IMF Mission will also meet with the representatives of trade unions, employers, the Croatian Banking Association, the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Public Finance, the representatives of international financial institutions in Croatia and others. The Mission plans also include talks at the Croatian Parliament and with the President of the Republic of Croatia.