At its session today, the Croatian National Bank Council reviewed indicators of monetary and economic developments in late 2010 and early this year, and the domestic fiscal stability analysis.
The CNB Council approved the decisions of the supervisory boards to appoint Christoph Schoefboeck as member of the Management Board of Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Rijeka; to extend the term of office of Miro Dodić as President of the Management Board of Istarska kreditna banka Umag, d.d., Umag; to extend the terms of office of Stipan Pamuković as president and Janko Hrnjak as member of the Management Board of Nava banka d.d., Zagreb, and to appoint Marko Krajina as member of the Management Board of Slatinska banka d.d., Slatina.