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An error occurred while processing the template.
Failed to "?eval" string with this error: ---begin-message--- Syntax error in ?eval-ed string in line 1, column 2: Encountered ")", but was expecting one of these patterns: <STRING_LITERAL> <RAW_STRING> "false" "true" <INTEGER> <DECIMAL> "." "+" "-" "!" "[" "(" "{" <ID> ---end-message--- The failing expression: ==> getField(article, 'najava_slika')?eval [in template "20155#20195#2580503" at line 27, column 41] ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign najava_slika = getField(artic... [in template "20155#20195#2580503" at line 27, column 17] ----
1<#-- TEMPLATE KEY : 2580502 -->
2<#-- TEMPLATE NAME: HNB Article List (image - bez svih datuma) -->
3<#assign dLFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")>
4<#include "${templatesPath}/ADT-FUNCTIONS" />
6<div class="article-module article white ">
8 <h2 class="article-title">${getPageTitle()}</h2>
10 <#if entries?has_content>
12 <#list entries as curEntry>
14 <#assign assetRenderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() />
15 <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry) />
16 <#assign contextUrl = assetRenderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, viewURL) />
18 <#if assetRenderer.getClassName() == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle">
19 <#assign article = assetRenderer.getArticle() />
20 <#assign sazetak = getField(article, "sazetak") />
21 <#assign slika = article.getSmallImageURL() />
23 <#if getField(article, "slika")?has_content >
24 <#assign slika = getField(article, "slika") />
25 </#if>
27 <#assign najava_slika = getField(article, 'najava_slika')?eval />
28 <#if najava_slika?has_content>
29 <#assign slikaUrl = "/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=" + najava_slika.uuid + "&groupId=" + najava_slika.groupId />
30 <#assign image = dLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(najava_slika.uuid, groupId) />
31 <#assign localeSuffix = locale[0..1]?upper_case>
32 <#assign atribucije = getImageAttribution(image.getDDMFormValuesMap(image.getFileVersion().getFileVersionId()) , localeSuffix)>
33 </#if>
35 </#if>
37 <article class="entry-container hf170">
38 <a href="${contextUrl}">
39 <#if najava_slika?has_content>
40 <div class="image-container">
41 <img class="desaturate" title="${atribucije}" src="${slikaUrl}" alt="article"/>
42 </div>
43 </#if>
44 <div class="article-linebanner">
45 <h4 class="title">${curEntry.getTitle(locale)}</h4>
46 <!--h5 class="attributes"-->
47 <!--span>${languageUtil.get(locale,"templates.article.publishDate")}: ${getDisplayDate(article)}</span-->
48 <#-- ovo smo maknuli da nema datuma #if articleType?has_content && articleType != "general">
49 <span> ${languageUtil.get(locale,"templates.categoryType."+article.getType())},</span>
50 </#if>
51 <#list filterAndOrderCategories(curEntry.getCategories()) as category>
52 <span>${category.getTitleCurrentValue()}</span>
53 </#list-->
54 <!--/h5-->
55 <#if sazetak?has_content && sazetak?trim?has_content>
56 <h5>${sazetak}</h5>
57 </#if>
58 </div>
59 </a>
60 </article>
61 </#list>
62 </#if>