Supervisory disclosure

Published: 24/7/2014 Modified: 17/6/2024

Directive 2013/36/EU requires competent authorities to disclose certain information in order for the internal banking market to operate with increasing effectiveness and for citizens of the Union to have adequate levels of transparency. The information disclosed should be sufficient to enable a meaningful comparison of the approaches adopted by the competent authorities of the different Member States. In order to further facilitate this assessment, information from all competent authorities should be published in a common format, updated regularly and made accessible at a single electronic location.

Pursuant to Decision (EU) 2020/1016 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the establishment of close cooperation between the European Central Bank and Hrvatska Narodna Banka and pursuant to Council Decision (EU) 2022/1211 of 12 July 2022 on the adoption by Croatia of the euro on 1 January 2023, on the basis of which the Croatian National Bank has become a full member of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, from 1 October 2020 the European Central Bank is the competent authority for significant supervised entities and significant supervised groups, while the Croatian National Bank is the competent authority for less significant supervised entities and less significant supervised groups.

As the competent authority for less significant supervised entities and less significant supervised groups, the Croatian National Bank publishes and gives access to information regarding the texts of laws, regulations, administrative rules and general guidance adopted in the field of prudential regulation and supervision of credit institutions in Croatia.

As the competent authority for significant supervised entities and significant supervised groups, on its website the European Central Bank publishes and gives access to information regarding the texts of laws, regulations, administrative rules and general guidance adopted in the field of prudential regulation and supervision of credit institutions within the scope of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.